We regularly work with local authorities at every level to help get important information and advisories out into the digital and social media channels in a timely fashion. We take great pride in our approach to government and municipal communications and work hard to make sure that every creation is accessible, including carefully written subtitles and, where possible featuring knowledgeable authorities from paramedics to firefighters and community leaders.

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Full video transcript:

The climate is changing and Dufferin County is getting warmer, wetter and wilder. But by knowing the risks in our community and taking steps to prepare, we can protect ourselves, our family and our property from potential hazards. Flooding is the most common natural disaster in Dufferin County, and it can occur quickly. But home protection is easier than you think. Test your sump pump and maintain your back water valve, or complete simple updates to your home to lower your flood risk.

Another common risk in Dufferin County is extreme heat. Heat can be harmful for anyone and as the weather warms, it’s important to remember tips to stay safe. Restrict outdoor activity, drink lots of water and stay in shaded or air conditioned areas when the heat hits. Check on vulnerable loved ones and remember to keep your pets cool.

I challenge you and your family to spend some time this week making sure you update  your emergency escape plan. This is especially important for children to practice too. Here are a few things you should do when preparing a home escape plan: Draw a floor Plan. Identify your escape routes, windows, doors, other ways to get out. Select a meeting spot away from your home. Test your smoke alarms and CO alarms. Make sure they have working batteries in them. And most importantly, practice your plan.

When a medical emergency or injury takes place, knowing what to do and how to act could mean the difference between life and death. That’s why first aid is so important. First aid refers to initial and immediate medical assistance to any ill or injured person until medical help or an ambulance arrives. First aid plays a crucial role in preventing many emergencies from getting worse. There are simple steps you can take to be properly prepared to provide first aid in case of an emergency that can help keep yourself and those around you safe. Firstly, keep a first aid kit readily available in your home, cottage, car, even your workplace. Your first aid kit should be stored in a dark, cool place. Outdated or damaged contents should be replaced regularly. Your first aid kit should have things like: a naloxone kit, a pocket mask, a large pressure bandage, ice packs. Secondly, you need know how to use your first aid kit.

Get training. Check your local municipality for first aid training that’s available near you. Seconds count in an emergency and you could save someone’s life. Do your part today. Ensure you have a first aid kit and that you know how to use it properly.

For my family, it’s really important to have an emergency kit with all the essentials in case you need it. In our kit, we have first aid items, non-perishable food, a can opener, flashlight and list of medications, important phone numbers and other things we might need. We also have copies of important documents like insurance, wills, and personal identification. My kids are older now, but when they were little, we kept toys, puzzles, extra snacks and things like diapers. And don’t forget your furry friends. You may want to store an extra leash, food and their vet’s phone number. Keep your emergency kit in a place that’s easy to access for all family members.

In an emergency, it’s important to stay informed. Always seek information from sources you can trust. Residents are encouraged to follow their local municipal government and our partners on social media. During emergencies, local governments and partners post updates to our websites and social media to keep our community informed on things like road closures, travel advisories, power outages and tips on how to prepare for storms. Follow reliable advice and guidance and verify anything you’re unsure about. Stay informed to stay safe.